The Evergreen Performers are looking for talented people to audition for our upcoming production of Esther.
There are parts for all ages – however the “5 major parts” are for adults (or teens that can play an adult role)
– Narrator, King, Esther, Mordicai and haman.
There are lots of small and non/speaking roles for you who have hectic schedules, or “just want to help the team”.
This is not a “musical” – there will be some “background music, etc.”. This is a ONE ACT play approx. 40 minutes in length. It sticks primarily to the book of Esther, with some humor and contemporary references.
We will have a shorter rehearsal period. Rehearsals will be Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons
– Included with Purim Celebration. Esther will be presented in March.
There are parts for all ages – however the “5 major parts” are for adults (or teens that can play an adult role)
– Narrator, King, Esther, Mordicai and haman.
There are lots of small and non/speaking roles for you who have hectic schedules, or “just want to help the team”.
This is not a “musical” – there will be some “background music, etc.”. This is a ONE ACT play approx. 40 minutes in length. It sticks primarily to the book of Esther, with some humor and contemporary references.
We will have a shorter rehearsal period. Rehearsals will be Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons
– Included with Purim Celebration. Esther will be presented in March.